Youthreach students back for practical work

Great to see our level 4 Youthreach students back in the centre to work in their practical art and woodwork tasks.

Following government guidelines, students that need to complete time critical assessment can access education centres to complete work that cannot be done online. Many of these learners are hoping to progress on to further education or training so their certification must be complete in time for students to move on.

Tutors Rory and Jonathon are guiding them through their practical assessment tasks, we look forward to sharing the finished results.

For other students QQI assessment continues online, while all classes are running through Microsoft Teams. We hope as restrictions lift to bring students back into the centre when it is safe to do so. In the interim, we look forward to the Easter break, some rest from the screens that have become such a big part of our work and study. We encourage all our students to follow the guidelines and stay safe during this time

Lynn Armstrong