Enrollments for up coming courses now open!

Considering your options for returning to training or education in September 2021. Arklow FETC website now has all the details of upcoming courses and application links.

ABE will be offering a range of basic education courses in both Arklow and Carnew centres. Mary McCall is available to discuss your options and how to proceed.

Our Youthreach coordinator Sharon Hughes, is on hand to support young applicants back to education on our level 3 and level 4 courses Youthreach courses, which can be used to prepare applicants to progress onto further education and training or into employment.

Across VTOS and BTEI, Lynn Armstrong will be taking applications for our level 4 and level 5 courses in business, healthcare and childcare. With both full and part time options, there are opportunities for anyone considering a return to education, it is a great time to upskill or reskill in your local education and training centre; Arklow FETC. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you back to education in September 2021.

Now enrolling march 2021 with website.jpg
Lynn Armstrong