One year on - remote learning at Arklow FETC

Hard to believe but as a centre we are now over 1 year into our remote learning journey. The staff and students of Arklow FETC had no idea on March 12th 2020, that one year on we would be continuing to work and study remotely.

For our teaching staff; the adjustments have been huge. Roles have been reversed and they have spent hours learning new techniques and discovering how to use the variety of apps available to them to deliver their course material in a remote capacity, the numbers that presented for certification during this time; a testament to the successful engagement with remote teaching and learning.

Our students have faced numerous challenges they never expected, but at Arklow FETC we try to take the positives! Remote learning has seen the development of numerous additional skills in IT, which wouldn’t have been a focus before the Covid-19 centre closure. We have learnt that everything can be completed online; teaching, learning, assessment and general engagement; virtual coffee breaks becoming part of our weekly routine.

We look forward to getting back to the classroom when guidelines allow, back to the canteens and corridors of Fernhill Plaza. And taking all the positives of teaching and learning in a remote capacity with us into the future. For now we encourage everyone to stay safe, follow the guidelines and remember the impact Covid-19 has had on our community. Current guidelines can be found at

Lynn Armstrong